Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hey Hunter! Long Time No See!


We're back from San Diego and what a day it was! We made the 2.5 hour trek down to SD so we could visit our good friend, Hunter. Let me tell you, everyone needs to know Hunter because he just an overall incredible person. The drive down was quite the adventure because the route went straight through the mountains. Let's just say that Kenzie was no fan of the numerous twist and turns throughout the journey. Although we went at a snails pace, we made it to SD safe and sound.

We were super excited when we arrived because Hunter has been hyping up the city and his amazing tour guide skills for weeks. It was also made clear to him that we needed to find some amazing guac so our trip would be worth it ;) The day in SD started at a breakfast spot called Breakfast Republic and 10/10 would recommend to anyone visiting SD, it was amazing. Kenzie had chilaquilles, I had mac n cheese with 3 eggs and Hunter had a potato omelette, yum! Oh, and I had an Oreo Latte, yep, you definitely read that right and it was superb. After brunch was complete we took a stroll down the main drag and walked out on the pier. Unfortunately, the weather was pretty bland and visibility was low so we couldn't see out too far. After we waked off brunch we headed over to Hunter's place to see his adorable Golden Retriever, Sam. She was super friendly and a big fan of belly rubs!

When the belly rub session was complete, we headed to downtown SD to check out some of the most popular spots. First up was the Gaslamp Quarter which is a hip area with tons of restaurants and bars, it was pretty sweet. Next up was Seaport Village which had a ton of little shops and a decommissioned navy boat that you could tour around. Even though it was a bit chilly (like 60ish degrees) the views were great and lots of people were out and about. Hunter told us that San Diegans don't handle the "cold" very well and will break out winter jackets and Uggs when the temp drops below 70! Haha. Once we finished up at Seaport Village we jumped in the car and headed across the giant bridge to Coronado Island. The houses not he island were pretty spectacular and you could see all of San Diego from the shoreline, 10/10 recommend visiting!

Now, with all of our sightseeing activities in San Diego complete, we had just one thing left to do.....find some amazing Mexican food! Well, we can attest that Hunter definitely pulled through and brought us to an amazing taco joint in North Park. Not the North Park I graduated from haha, but a neighborhood in San Diego. Hunter told me that I needed to get a "California Burrito" because it's what all the locals get. Caving to peer pressure, I followed through with Hunter's demand and order this local favorite, it was the best decision I made all day! Look it up and you'll be blown away by how much is stuffed inside it, yum yum yum. With lunch complete we headed back to Hunter's house so we could drop him off and hit the road back to Palm Desert. It was a great trip to San Diego and we were so happy to see Hunter, hadn't seen him since graduation last May. Catching up with old friends is what it is all about and we're so glad we made the 2.5 hour trek down to San Diego. Always cherish great friendships because they are priceless.

Until tomorrow friends.....


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Hello SoCal

After a very long, cold winter, Andrew and I are grateful to be in Palm Springs for the week.

On Friday, we flew into LAX and spent most of the day driving through the mountains to Coachella Valley. There is a country music festival - Stagecoach - going on this weekend so traffic was awful and everything is very busy. After getting to the hotel and relaxing, we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant - Fresh Agave. The food was delicious, and of course we got guacamole. It looked like typical guac but it had a slightly sweet flavor; it was interesting but Andrew and I both really enjoyed it. After dinner we picked up some groceries and had a laid back night after a long day of traveling.

This morning, we got up and went to the Street Fair. We enjoyed walking around in the sun and checking out all of the little shops. We found a local coffee grower and bought some unique flavored coffee for the week. After the street fair, we drove to downtown Palm Springs to explore and do a little more shopping. We stopped at a Starbucks where I was finally able to try the affogato - I highly recommend it!

Once we were done shopping, we went to the airport to pick up Josh and then headed back to the hotel. After he unpacked, we went to the pool to get lunch and hang out. Andrew and Josh ordered the asian wrap - they were both surprised when the food came to the table and the "wrap" was a lettuce wrap! The pool was more crowded than I've ever seen it with all of the people in town for Stagecoach. After eating and relaxing by the pool, we went to go play mini golf at the hotel. Thankfully we didn't keep score because none of us had a very successful game.

After we got back to our hotel, we played some cards and watched hockey. We had In-n-Out for dinner - it was delicious. The sun got the best of us during the day, so we just had a low-key night. Tomorrow will be a busy day picking up Caitlyn and Cole. It's also supposed to be the warmest day, so in between airport runs we will have plenty of time to relax by the pool!