Saturday, September 3, 2016

Labor Day Getaway

A few months ago, Andrew happened upon $36 flights to Denver, so here we are! Andrew and I are spending the long weekend in the Mile High City! 
Our weekend started at 4 a.m. this morning, when we arrived to the airport for our 5 a.m. flight. Even though we were pretty tired, we managed to pack a full day of activities in. From the airport we took the new RTD train into the city. First stop was exploring Union Station and the 16th street mall. The mall reminded us a lot of Madrid - a wide street made only for pedestrians (besides a free bus that goes up and down) with shops along both sides. We had some breakfast at a creperie and spent the rest of the morning checking out some of the shops. 

For the afternoon, we decided to check out the CELL museum - the Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab. On our way, we stumbled into Taste of Colorado. We checked out the festival, and then moved onto the museum. When we arrived at the Civic Center (Denver's museum campus), it turned out to be a "Free Saturday" and we didn't have to pay admission for the CELL. We learned a lot about terrorism and got to practice how to identify and prevent it as a civilian. 

After the CELL, we went to the Colorado History Museum. This was my favorite part of the day - the museum was very interactive and had a lot of great exhibits. We got to milk a cow, experience the Dust Storm, practice our ski jumps, and measure how many gallons of water we use in a day (which is a LOT more than the Navajo). There was also an 'Awkward Family Photo' exhibit, where Andrew and I were able to take our own awkward photos!

After the museum, we headed back to the apartment to rest our feet for a bit. We decided on an Italian place along the mall for dinner. Our meals were amazing and ginormous! After dinner we walked along the mall some more. We found out some sort of Comic-Con type convention is going on this weekend, and there are a ton of people dressed up in super weird costumes. We even saw one girl walking with a live rat sitting on her shoulder. 

Our first impression of Denver is that it is a great city! It is very clean, the people are friendly, and there seems to be a lot of fun things to do! Tomorrow we are going to check out some more museums and go to a Rockies Game! Its a short trip, so we are hoping to pack as much as possible into these three days! Check in tomorrow to hear what other adventures we find. 


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