Friday, July 8, 2016

Leaving Paradise

Sadly, I am writing this post as we pack up and get ready to head for the airport this morning. For the next few days we get to be tourists in our own city while Paige and Tim are still in Chicago.

We definitely went out with a bang during our last full day in Puerto Rico. After the long drive from Wednesday, we decided to stay near the condos. We filled the day with beach time, tennis and cards. I finally beat Andrew in tennis 6-5. (We did not play win-by-two by the 11th game because the heat had taken its toll on us.)

Also, yesterday was our biggest run-ins (yes, plural) with nature. I had expected to see a lot of exotic animals on this trip (I have been to St. Kitts - a few islands over - where monkeys basically run the island) but besides the stray dogs, chickens, horses and cows, the only exotic animals we had seen were little lizards ... until today. Walking back from the tennis courts, I had a run-in with a two and a half foot long iguana. Thankfully we both startled each other and went running in opposite directions. Upon arriving at our condo, we saw a few more, smaller iguanas basking in the sun.

Later that evening, nature decided to scare me again. As I walked into the bathroom to take a shower, I nearly stepped on a little, orange frog. Unfortunately, this little guy could not run away as easily as the iguana. Andrew and Tim captured him in a cup and I brought him outside where he could hop away.

We went all out for our final dinner in PR - visiting a restaurant at the St. Regis Resort! The place was beautiful. There was a nice golf course overlooking the ocean, villas, houses, a lake and a big hotel. The resort was so big, people get golf carts to ride around in just to get from place to place. The restaurant we ate at was in the golf clubhouse, overlooking a pool and then the ocean. Our meal was delicious too. If anyone ever wins the lottery, I definitely recommend a trip to St. Regis.

This week has-been very relaxing and so much fun. 
The island is beautiful and I am so glad I was to see it (esp. the caves - that was unlike anything I've ever experienced). While I know this is technically a travel blog, I also have a few words about the turmoil that we are unfortunately returning to in the in the states. It is heart-breaking to know that numerous lives could have been saved this past week if ignorance, hatred and racism did not exist. To know that instead of fighting foreign enemies, our own country is pitted against one another. While I know there will not be a resolution before we touch down in Chicago tonight (as much as I wish), I hope this past week has led to a turning point and we can all come together to combat the negativity and hatred that has led the country to this point.

- Kenzie 

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