Saturday, July 2, 2016

Surprise! We're in Puerto Rico!

So.... Andrew and I dropped the ball and are already into our second 
evening in Puerto Rico as I write this blog. Our friends, Paige and Tim, got to Chicago on Thursday night and we were too distracted to post. We left Chicago bright and early yesterday morning and touched down in Puerto Rico at 2:30 local time. After a couple of accidental detours on the way, we made it to the beach house by late afternoon. We are staying on a condo right on the beach, in the city of Loiza. 

Once we arrived and unpacked, food was our first mission. We went to get groceries and stopped at Firehouse subs because it was close and we were still in culture shock to attempt a more local eatery. Back at the condo, we unpacked, checked out the beach and hung out for the rest of the night. 

Today we went to Old San Juan to explore. The city had beautiful architecture and lots of little shops and restaurants. We did a lot of walking and nearly covered the whole city. We visited two forts, Castillo San elipe del Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal. The forts were built on either side of the city to protect from attacks by land or sea. We were even able to see prisoners' drawings on the walls of the dungeon that were preserved. 

So far it has been very hot and humid, but also cloudy and occasionally rainy. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and dry, so we are planning on a beach day, and will hopefully get to explore a little bit more of the island!

 - Kenzie 

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