Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Day in Puerto Rico

Yesterday we spent the 4th of July the best way possible - laying out on the beach, soaking up the sun. The beach was equally as crowded as Sunday, with lots of families grilling out, blasting music and playing in the water. We also saw quite a few jet skis in the water, so we will have to figure out where people were renting them from!

After we headed in from the beach, Andrew and I went to play some tennis. Shortly after we got to the court, it down-poured for about 45 seconds. I guess thats part of being in the rain forest! Though the rain was quick, the courts were drenched, but we still played one set (Andrew won 6-1).

On our way back, we ran into a stray dog that seems to live at/be taken care of by the community. He has a hurt back leg and hops around, but is very friendly and cute. I tried to get him to follow me back to our unit to get him some food and water, but he saw some other homeowners he recognized and hobbled off towards them. I really want to take this cute, little dog home with me and adopt him.

For dinner, we went down the road to a local pizza place, where, thankfully, the waitress spoke english. We noticed on our drive that the police here always have their lights on, even if they are stopped or just driving around. At one point traffic was backed up for about a mile and we saw tons of flashing lights ahead. Once we got up closer to the action, it was just a bunch of police hanging out on a corner talking, who had all left their cars on the side of the road with their lights on.

The plan for today is TBD, but the thunderstorms we were expecting are no longer in the forecast, so we have plenty of options now. Tomorrow we are going to Camuy Caves to explore, which I am really excited for.


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