Tuesday, May 24, 2016

All Hail the Monkey God

Today Andrew made it to the final city on his tour of India. Jaipur is the capital and largest city in the state of Rajastahn. The group took a tour of the city when they arrived in the morning. Andrew noted that Jaipur seems slightly cleaner than the other cities he has seen. It is called the "Pink City" because pink is a welcoming color. Over 2 million people live in Jaipur.

After exploring, the group went to a gem making factory and walked around the surrounding area with local sellers. Andrew spent his afternoon at a Hindu Temple of the Monkey God. From the pictures (below) I gather it is a   beautiful complex with monkeys hanging out everywhere. Andrew has a good story and video from the temple that he can share when he has an opportunity.

Tomorrow he gets to go to an elephant reserve, visit another fort and shop at a bazaar in the city. Hopefully he will be able to share more soon.

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