Friday, May 20, 2016

Safe (and sweaty) in India

It's Kenzie, writing from my desk in Chicago. Where it is a perfect 65 degrees, I might add. I am writing to share that Andrew has safely made it to New Delhi, after about 20 hours of traveling. He isn't able to get on wifi yet, so I will be posting for him until he can.

Andrew said the long day of traveling wasn't actually too bad. He watched the movie Room and (almost) cried. He touched down in New Delhi around 7:30 p.m. local time.

The tour group he is with is about 40 people, all American. Once everyone had their bags, the group boarded a charter bus to head to the hotel.

Andrew's first observation is that there seems to be no law when it comes to driving. People drive all over the road and have no desire to slow down for anyone.

He also wanted me to mention that it is currently 102 degrees, even at night without the sun. It'll stay in the 100-110s throughout his trip, so hopefully he learns to deal with the heat!

Unfortunately, I only have the pictures that Andrew was able to post on snapchat while he had wifi at the airport. As soon as he can get online, he will share more pictures and stories from his trip.

It's after 11:00 p.m. in India right now (10.5 hours ahead), so Andrew's plan is to eat and sleep. The group starts exploring New Delhi bright and early tomorrow morning. I will keep you posted as he sends me more updates.


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