Saturday, May 21, 2016

Exploring New Delhi

It's Kenzie again. (From Minnesota this time!) It sounds like Andrew had a great first full day in India. He got to tour all of New and Old Delhi. The group visited a Mosque, a Sikh Temple and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

He also got to experience a 'rickshaw ride' - a 3-wheeled bicycle cart that transports people. He said it was terrifying; it was very crowded and constantly felt like their cart would crash. Also, he mentioned the weather is bearable but super dry heat.

Tomorrow the group leaves bright and early for Agra and will visit the Taj Mahal at sunset. I am sure Andrew will have more stories for you once he can post (he is hoping he will have wifi at the new hotel tomorrow), but for now here are a few pictures he sent:
Andrew at the Jama Masjid Mosque.
Touring the streets of New Delhi.
Experiencing a Riskshaw ride.
The view from Andrew's hotel.
I think this is one of the temples Andrew visited.

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