Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To India We Go

Hello again!

I know, it's been awhile since Madrid, but fear not, the next trip is upon us! Tomorrow is the big day, after months of anticipation and counting down, the trip is finally here. For this trip, it will be my dad and I (sorry Kenzie, you get Puerto Rico!). Quick background on how this trip even got started. You see, Groupon is a heck of an invention and we owe a big thanks to them for having this trip on their site for such a great price. Even though we were unsuccessful in securing two spots the first like 15 times we tried, the 16th time was the charm and we successfully booked it (I'm not even sure how many times we tried exactly, but it was a ton lol). Look, it was kind of sketchy at first going through this travel company, but we both have all our documents and it seems legit, I think. If it isn't legit, well, you all won't be following a blog at all during the next 9 days unless you want to hear about how my games of FIFA 16 have been going (very well might I add).

Anyways, as far as we know, tomorrow at 12:55PM, we will set off on the first leg our journey to India. As you may remember from our Madrid blog, we had a 10 hour flight home and boy was it a long one. I mention this because we will depart from Chicago and head to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) to reach our connecting flight to New Delhi, India. From what I can gather online, this first leg is going to take about 13.5 hours roughly. I thought coming home from Madrid was long, well, looks like I've got a whole new beast to tackle tomorrow (wish me luck). After we reach Abu Dhabi, we have a layover for a few hours and then hop on another plane to New Delhi which will last a few more hours. If you have been following along closely, you will have noticed some pretty large numbers thrown out there in regards to travel time. Fear not, I have calculated this all and my ballpark math tells me that the total travel time to New Delhi, India will be give or take 20 hours. Yep, you heard that right, 20 hours! It will literally take us nearly nearly an entire day to make our way over there, which is pretty incredible.

India is 10.5 hours ahead of us (assuming you are on CST), so we won't be getting there until around 7PM their time. This is pretty convenient though because we can just crash and catch up on some sleep before we actually begin our tours. Unlike Madrid, this entire trip will be a guided tour and we will visit four different Indian cities (Agra, Bharatpur, Jaipur & New Delhi). Each city offers something unique and we are excited to immerse ourselves in their culture and to see all there is to offer. While in India we will visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site, tour through New Delhi, explore a bird sanctuary in Bharatpur & see the Taj Mahal, among many others things.

This is going to be a truly unique experience and I hope you will follow along throughout it all! Much like Madrid, I will do my best to update the blog as often as possible and include as many photos as I can. Remember to subscribe via email to get all the updates and pass word along to your friends and family!

Thanks for following along!

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