Monday, September 5, 2016

Descending Back Home

Sadly, I am writing this post from the Denver airport (no, I haven't seen any Illuminati) as Andrew and I head back home. I have to say, Denver is an amazing city. It was a great long weekend and I definitely plan to come back.

Andrew and I started our morning dining on our Voodoo donuts, and man, were they good! I had the Diablos Rex - a chocolate cake donut with chocolate chips and an icing pentagram - and it was fantastic. Andrew had the Arnold Palmer - a plain cake donut with vanilla frosting and lemonade/iced tea dust with fruit loops in the middle - which he described as "interesting". We also had an old fashioned for comparison, but I still like Doughnut Vault in Chicago best.

After our breakfast, we headed to the Jeep to take a drive into the mountains and go hiking. Sadly, our expectations for the Jeep were not met, but the hike made up for it. We went to the Bear Creek Trail - it had amazing views was an easy 2 miles for us low-altitude, city slickers. It was great to be outside and explore; definitely not something we can do every day in Chicago.

On our drive back into the city, we decided to stop and explore the Red Rocks Amphitheater. The place was extremely crowded with people working out on the steps and tourists getting pictures. There really isn't much I can say to do justice to the view, so I will just have to let you look at our pictures.

By the time we got back into Denver, it was time to grab lunch and head to the airport. We walked along the mall one last time to Union Station, and hung out in the station (it is really pretty) a bit before we jumped on a train to the airport. I slept the whole ride, so I don't have much to say about that except its a lot comfier and cleaner than the el!

Andrew and I do not have our next trip planned - yet! Leave a comment if you have any suggestions on where we should visit. Thanks for following along on our trip! - Kenzie

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Biscuits, Baseball and Bizarre Donuts


Today was another great one here in Denver. We decided to hit up one of the most popular brunch spots in the city before going to the Diamondbacks vs Rockies baseball game in the afternoon. After conducting some research, we settled on a place called Denver Biscuit Company. It would have taken us almost an hour to walk there, so like any millennial, we relied on Uber. Now, considering this is one of the most popular places in Denver, we should have anticipated a huge wait, but that didn't really cross our minds right away. When we arrived, the wait time was between 60-75 minutes, but we decided to tough it out and see if this place was really worth all the rave. Let me tell you, IT WAS! This place was incredible and we got an enormous amount of food all for $22. I had biscuits & gravy while Kenzie had a gigantic cinnamon roll. Both meals were delicious and well worth the hour long wait we endured. If you are ever in Denver, his up the Denver Biscuit Company, you won't regret it!

After brunch we walked down the street a little bit to a famous donut shop called VooDoo Donuts. This quirky place creates some extremely interesting donuts with some not so PG names. If you're dying to know what I'm talking about, just Google their menu haha. We haven't had the donuts yet because we are saving them for breakfast tomorrow along with our leftovers from brunch today. Considering we waited forever for our brunch, we were a little crunched for time because the Rockies game started at 2:10PM. We once again relied on Uber and took it back to our AirBnb so we could quickly change and head out to the game. It only took us about 15 minutes to talk over to Coors Field. Our seats were located out in left field, so we had a perfect view of the entire field. The sun also had a perfect view of us in our seats and beat down on us the entire game. There was also like a 15 minute phase of light rain followed by gusty winds, but it was pretty cool to see it all happen. The Rockies made a valiant comeback in the bottom of the 9th, but unfortunately couldn't pull it off and lost 8-5.

Even though we were exhausted and ready to go rest, we made one last trip to the Taste of Colorado. You see, I found this super cool company called 1876 by Smirk that makes awesome Colorado themed shirts, hats and hoodies. I was initially hesitant on whether or not to buy stuff, so I decided to sleep on it. Well, the sleep paid off and we made a return trip and I walked away with a shirt and a hat. The entire Taste of Colorado is really cool and spread out over a large section of Downtown Denver. There are tons of different food options as well as shopping ones too.

Today was also the 2nd straight day that we saw someone with a pet rat out in public. There was man standing outside the Taste and he had 2 rats crawling on his shoulders (see pic on the above right). I'm not sure why they like their rats here, but it sure is interesting. We both really love Denver and all that it has to offer. Tomorrow we are renting a ZipCar and taking it to some hiking trails to fully experience Colorado before we head home. Yes, we did decide to go with the Jeep instead of a tiny little Honda, because who wants to go through the mountains in a small Honda? If you have a Honda, that is perfectly okay, but we went with the Jeep. All in all, the trip has been a huge success and we have loved this city.

Until tomorrow.....



Saturday, September 3, 2016

Labor Day Getaway

A few months ago, Andrew happened upon $36 flights to Denver, so here we are! Andrew and I are spending the long weekend in the Mile High City! 
Our weekend started at 4 a.m. this morning, when we arrived to the airport for our 5 a.m. flight. Even though we were pretty tired, we managed to pack a full day of activities in. From the airport we took the new RTD train into the city. First stop was exploring Union Station and the 16th street mall. The mall reminded us a lot of Madrid - a wide street made only for pedestrians (besides a free bus that goes up and down) with shops along both sides. We had some breakfast at a creperie and spent the rest of the morning checking out some of the shops. 

For the afternoon, we decided to check out the CELL museum - the Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab. On our way, we stumbled into Taste of Colorado. We checked out the festival, and then moved onto the museum. When we arrived at the Civic Center (Denver's museum campus), it turned out to be a "Free Saturday" and we didn't have to pay admission for the CELL. We learned a lot about terrorism and got to practice how to identify and prevent it as a civilian. 

After the CELL, we went to the Colorado History Museum. This was my favorite part of the day - the museum was very interactive and had a lot of great exhibits. We got to milk a cow, experience the Dust Storm, practice our ski jumps, and measure how many gallons of water we use in a day (which is a LOT more than the Navajo). There was also an 'Awkward Family Photo' exhibit, where Andrew and I were able to take our own awkward photos!

After the museum, we headed back to the apartment to rest our feet for a bit. We decided on an Italian place along the mall for dinner. Our meals were amazing and ginormous! After dinner we walked along the mall some more. We found out some sort of Comic-Con type convention is going on this weekend, and there are a ton of people dressed up in super weird costumes. We even saw one girl walking with a live rat sitting on her shoulder. 

Our first impression of Denver is that it is a great city! It is very clean, the people are friendly, and there seems to be a lot of fun things to do! Tomorrow we are going to check out some more museums and go to a Rockies Game! Its a short trip, so we are hoping to pack as much as possible into these three days! Check in tomorrow to hear what other adventures we find. 


Friday, July 8, 2016

Leaving Paradise

Sadly, I am writing this post as we pack up and get ready to head for the airport this morning. For the next few days we get to be tourists in our own city while Paige and Tim are still in Chicago.

We definitely went out with a bang during our last full day in Puerto Rico. After the long drive from Wednesday, we decided to stay near the condos. We filled the day with beach time, tennis and cards. I finally beat Andrew in tennis 6-5. (We did not play win-by-two by the 11th game because the heat had taken its toll on us.)

Also, yesterday was our biggest run-ins (yes, plural) with nature. I had expected to see a lot of exotic animals on this trip (I have been to St. Kitts - a few islands over - where monkeys basically run the island) but besides the stray dogs, chickens, horses and cows, the only exotic animals we had seen were little lizards ... until today. Walking back from the tennis courts, I had a run-in with a two and a half foot long iguana. Thankfully we both startled each other and went running in opposite directions. Upon arriving at our condo, we saw a few more, smaller iguanas basking in the sun.

Later that evening, nature decided to scare me again. As I walked into the bathroom to take a shower, I nearly stepped on a little, orange frog. Unfortunately, this little guy could not run away as easily as the iguana. Andrew and Tim captured him in a cup and I brought him outside where he could hop away.

We went all out for our final dinner in PR - visiting a restaurant at the St. Regis Resort! The place was beautiful. There was a nice golf course overlooking the ocean, villas, houses, a lake and a big hotel. The resort was so big, people get golf carts to ride around in just to get from place to place. The restaurant we ate at was in the golf clubhouse, overlooking a pool and then the ocean. Our meal was delicious too. If anyone ever wins the lottery, I definitely recommend a trip to St. Regis.

This week has-been very relaxing and so much fun. 
The island is beautiful and I am so glad I was to see it (esp. the caves - that was unlike anything I've ever experienced). While I know this is technically a travel blog, I also have a few words about the turmoil that we are unfortunately returning to in the in the states. It is heart-breaking to know that numerous lives could have been saved this past week if ignorance, hatred and racism did not exist. To know that instead of fighting foreign enemies, our own country is pitted against one another. While I know there will not be a resolution before we touch down in Chicago tonight (as much as I wish), I hope this past week has led to a turning point and we can all come together to combat the negativity and hatred that has led the country to this point.

- Kenzie 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Camuy River Cave Park

These last few days have been hectic, so I apologize for being behind on the posts! The biggest highlight was when we went to the Camuy River Cave Park. It is located between the municipalities of Camuy, Hatillo and Lares in northwestern Puerto Rico, but the main entrance to the park is located in Quebrada, Camuy. The caverns are part of a large network of natural limestone caves and underground waterways carved out by the third-largest underground river in the world, the Río Camuy (Camuy River). The cave system was discovered in 1958 and was first documented in the 1973 book Discovery At The Río Camuy by Russell and Jeanne Gurnee, but there is archaeological evidence that these caves were explored hundreds of years ago by the Taino Indians, Puerto Rico's first inhabitants.  Over 10 miles of caverns, 220 caves and 17 entrances to the Camuy cave system have been mapped so far. This, however, is only a fraction of the entire system which many experts believe still holds another 800 caves. 

While the drive was not fun at all, the caves were well worth it! Being able to explore such an incredible natural land feature was incredible. The entire your took about an hour and we had a tour guide who walked us through, but all of our information was presented via an audio recording. The trip was well worth it and we thoroughly enjoyed our experience. When we weren't exploring a massive cave system we were either playing tennis or laying out at the beach (tough life, I know). Even though our trip is coming to an end (we leave tomorrow), we still have fun things planned and will continue to take in all this great weather! 

We hear the weather is about to take a turn for the worse back home, so thankfully we leave tomorrow and should hopefully miss it! If you're in Chicago, stay safe tonight!

- Andrew

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Day in Puerto Rico

Yesterday we spent the 4th of July the best way possible - laying out on the beach, soaking up the sun. The beach was equally as crowded as Sunday, with lots of families grilling out, blasting music and playing in the water. We also saw quite a few jet skis in the water, so we will have to figure out where people were renting them from!

After we headed in from the beach, Andrew and I went to play some tennis. Shortly after we got to the court, it down-poured for about 45 seconds. I guess thats part of being in the rain forest! Though the rain was quick, the courts were drenched, but we still played one set (Andrew won 6-1).

On our way back, we ran into a stray dog that seems to live at/be taken care of by the community. He has a hurt back leg and hops around, but is very friendly and cute. I tried to get him to follow me back to our unit to get him some food and water, but he saw some other homeowners he recognized and hobbled off towards them. I really want to take this cute, little dog home with me and adopt him.

For dinner, we went down the road to a local pizza place, where, thankfully, the waitress spoke english. We noticed on our drive that the police here always have their lights on, even if they are stopped or just driving around. At one point traffic was backed up for about a mile and we saw tons of flashing lights ahead. Once we got up closer to the action, it was just a bunch of police hanging out on a corner talking, who had all left their cars on the side of the road with their lights on.

The plan for today is TBD, but the thunderstorms we were expecting are no longer in the forecast, so we have plenty of options now. Tomorrow we are going to Camuy Caves to explore, which I am really excited for.


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunburnt & Out of Luck

Well, today was pretty wild to say the least. The day started off pretty well when we decided to hit up the beach right outside the condo where we are staying. The weather has been pretty spotty so far, but today was clear and sunny. It wasn't too crowded at first, but at around 1:30PM it started to get super crowded and the already limited beach space, became even less. Apparently here in Puerto Rico, if you're sitting back a ways from the beach that means you're giving up all the space in front of you. Basically, this big family decided to plop down right in front of us since we were laying out a ways back because of the high tide. So much for a direct view of the beach, instead we got a nice view of some beach chairs and coolers for awhile. As it turns out, this family taking up our prime beach space would be the least of our worries today.

Upon arriving back to the condo, we decided to take a look at our bodies in the mirror to see if we got any good color, boy did we! Our good buddy Tim must have used some poor quality sunscreen because he was red as a tomato and had some solid stripes lined on his back. Bear in mind, Tim came into this trip being pretty pale, so the sun got the best of him for sure. Paige (Tim's gf) didn't fair much better and must have used the same sunscreen as Tim because she was bright red all over as well. Kenzie & I faired pretty well because we rubbed our sunscreen on for the most part and didn't use the spray type. I'm guessing this is the route we will take from here on out! However, even with all the sunburns, Tim & Paige wanted to go back outside before dinner to play some beach volleyball. We were game and went to get ready. They headed down before us and we followed suit right behind. Before we left the condo, I asked Kenzie a few times if anyone had the keys and she said, "yes, Tim does". Okay, fair enough, I took her word for it and proceed to lock the door as we left. Upon arriving downstairs, we saw Paige standing outside and asked us if we had the keys to which we responded, "no, I thought Tim had them?!". Oops, now nobody has the keys and the door is locked with all our phones inside the room. Paige went to sort this whole thing out with security, but the process was taking quite awhile, so Tim & I decided to take matters into our own hands. You see, we remembered that the balcony sliding door was unlocked, so if we could just get up to the balcony, we would be golden. There was only one problem, we are on the 3rd floor of the building. Tim said he could just stand on the railing of the 1st floor and pull himself up to the 2nd and 3rd floors respectively. At this point, it has probably been over 30 minutes from the time we got locked out, so we are up for anything. Just as Tim begins his ascent to the 2nd floor, a worker for the place we are staying starts yelling at Tim to get done (he thinks Tim is trying to break in), so he gets down and we scrap that idea. That same guy ended up staying outside our place for the rest of day, always occasionally looking at us. Luckily, Janet (our local support person) finally came to our rescue and let us into the room.

After beach volleyball was abandoned, we decided to get ready and go out for dinner. The lady we are renting this condo from provide dos with some local restaurants to try out, so we picked "El Parilla". This little place on the side of the road specialized in seafood primarily, but also had some meats. Nothing jumped out at me, so I decided to just get the steak with a house sauce on top (steak is steak to me). Paige ended up ordering the same thing as me and off went the waitress to place our order. She quickly returned though and had some bad news for Paige & I, they ran out of the steak so we needed to pick something else. She recommended a different steak dinner and we went along with it and decided we would try it. However, a few moment slater, she returned and had more bad news for us, they were out of that steak as well. Dejected, we asked her if they had nay meats left, but she said that they were out of it all. With nothing else sounding too great, we asked her if we could order off the kids menu and have the chicken fingers. Thankfully, she said that would be just fine and went away to place our order. We thought dinner would be the last of our wild day and bad luck, but more was in store.

Upon arriving back to our condo complex, we saw that the security guard was out of the office and thus we couldn't get past the gate. We were told that the guards do walk throughs at different times of the day to make sure the complex is safe and secure. The papers indicated that the walks usually only take 5 minutes to complete and begin at the top of every odd hour. Fair enough, we got to the gate right at 9PM, so the guard must have just been on his walk. Time continued to pass and cars continued to file in behind me creating a line down the road. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, still no guard and we are getting a little antsy. This whole time, cars are freely leaving the complex an staring us down in the meantime as we wait helplessly at this gate. Good thing we had a solid Spotify playlist to keep us jamming until our guard finally arrived a little past 9:30. We were free to enter and proceeded to our condo. All the parking spots are marked for each room and as we approached ours, we saw a police cruiser parked in what appeared to be G 305, our room. Oh boy, why are the cops in our spot? Did that dude call the cops because Tim was trying to scale the building to let us in? To our avail, they weren't in our spot, just the one next to us and they quickly left as we unloaded the car and walked inside. The day is finally over and wow, that a day it was. Tomorrow will depend on the weather primarily, but we hope to be back outside (wearing non-spray sunscreen) and evening out our wicked tans!

BTW, check out the sick sandcastle above that Tim & I created today before our real estate was overrun by a large family.


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Surprise! We're in Puerto Rico!

So.... Andrew and I dropped the ball and are already into our second 
evening in Puerto Rico as I write this blog. Our friends, Paige and Tim, got to Chicago on Thursday night and we were too distracted to post. We left Chicago bright and early yesterday morning and touched down in Puerto Rico at 2:30 local time. After a couple of accidental detours on the way, we made it to the beach house by late afternoon. We are staying on a condo right on the beach, in the city of Loiza. 

Once we arrived and unpacked, food was our first mission. We went to get groceries and stopped at Firehouse subs because it was close and we were still in culture shock to attempt a more local eatery. Back at the condo, we unpacked, checked out the beach and hung out for the rest of the night. 

Today we went to Old San Juan to explore. The city had beautiful architecture and lots of little shops and restaurants. We did a lot of walking and nearly covered the whole city. We visited two forts, Castillo San elipe del Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal. The forts were built on either side of the city to protect from attacks by land or sea. We were even able to see prisoners' drawings on the walls of the dungeon that were preserved. 

So far it has been very hot and humid, but also cloudy and occasionally rainy. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and dry, so we are planning on a beach day, and will hopefully get to explore a little bit more of the island!

 - Kenzie 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

So Long, New Delhi


It's Andrew again, I have wifi finally here in Abu Dhabi at the airport. We departed New Delhi on Thursday, March 26th at around 9PM and headed to Abu Dhabi, UAE. After a nearly 3 hour flight, we arrived and now have a 4 hour layover until we finally head home to Chicago. With the conclusion of our trip it is a good time to reflect back on our journey to India and recap the last few days.

Our last few days were really laid back and relaxing for the most part. We toured around Jaipur and got a good sense of the history of the city and some of the key landmarks. A really neat part was when we visited an elephant village where female Asiatic Elephants are looked after and bred throughout the year. It was really interesting to see these majestic animals interacting with us humans and being such gentle giants. On our last day we took a bicycle tour throughout the city to explore some of the hidden areas not accessible by bus. Besides nearly getting hit by a pack of motorcycles and cars on our first major intersection, it was a successful ride! The most interesting part was seeing all the animals throughout the ride. No joke, on this 90 minute ride, we saw dogs, pigs, monkeys, cows, bulls, birds and much more. India is literally just one big zoo!

It was a really neat experience to visit India because I had never been to the country and was eager to see how different the culture is compared to the United States. Being able to experience a new culture and way of life really opens up your eyes and allows you to be appreciative of all you have. While India is a fantastic country, it was very sad to see some of the living conditions of the people. To me, it just felt like more could be done to help the people out, but considering the country is home to over 1.2 billion, it has to be a challenge.

Another very interesting thing I noticed was how much garbage was present throughout the cities we visited. It seemed as though people just discarded their garbage wherever they pleased and this was evident when you looked down a river and instead of seeing water, you saw a flow of garbage. The landscape and scenery was breathtaking and it just made me wonder why there was so much garbage everywhere? Such a beautiful place shouldn't have that much, but that is just my opinion.

Overall, the trip was very nice and we had a great tour group, which is always a positive. Being able to explore the world and see new countries is something one should never take for granted. I'm thankful and grateful to have been able to visit India and explore the country a little bit. I'll never forget this trip and the people who made it so worthwhile.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

All Hail the Monkey God

Today Andrew made it to the final city on his tour of India. Jaipur is the capital and largest city in the state of Rajastahn. The group took a tour of the city when they arrived in the morning. Andrew noted that Jaipur seems slightly cleaner than the other cities he has seen. It is called the "Pink City" because pink is a welcoming color. Over 2 million people live in Jaipur.

After exploring, the group went to a gem making factory and walked around the surrounding area with local sellers. Andrew spent his afternoon at a Hindu Temple of the Monkey God. From the pictures (below) I gather it is a   beautiful complex with monkeys hanging out everywhere. Andrew has a good story and video from the temple that he can share when he has an opportunity.

Tomorrow he gets to go to an elephant reserve, visit another fort and shop at a bazaar in the city. Hopefully he will be able to share more soon.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Living Like a King

It's Kenzie again. From the sounds of it, today was Andrew's favorite day in India so far. The morning started by leaving Agra and heading to Bharatpur. The group was able to have some pool time today and then visited the Keoladeo Ghana National Park. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to tons of animals, including birds, monkeys, cows and bulls. Andrew said he really enjoyed being so close to all of the animals.

And with extreme jealousy I report that Andrew spent the evening in a Palace (yes, a real Palace!) that was converted into a hotel. I am sure the pictures don't even come close to doing it justice, but they are beautiful.

Tomorrow the group heads to Jaipur, also known as the "Pink City." Hopefully Andrew will have wifi and be able to share more stories with you, but for now here are a bunch of pictures of the Laxmi Villas Palace (where he stayed) and the nature preserve: